Sunday 3 October 2010

spring coming round again?

It seems rather bizarre, I know, but I think the breeding season must be upon us again! The last few days have seen regular singing bouts from Robin, Dunnock and Great Tit! The most likely explanation, to my mind, is that I have a few local migrants. Robin and Dunnock could well have hopped over the channel (last autumn there were a few days I counted 70+ of each at Hope Gap, around this time of year), but I'm not entirely sure where Great Tits would arrive from. Local dispersal or from further afield? Or just a resident bird getting his territory staked out early? I'd be interested to hear any thoughts...

and another thing
I can't remember seeing a Blackbird in seaford since early July! I've seen Ring Ouzel more recently!

taken from this post, on 30 Sep. However, on Friday 01 October, within a day of that, I had broken my duct! It was a brief view in seaford, but I was just relieved to have finally seen one again. I only realized this when a friend came over from New Zealand, and commented on the notable lack of Blackbirds! It just goes to show, how easy it is to underlook common birds...

Oh, and just cos I'm in a random mood right now, here are some more facts on Buff-breasted Sandpiper;

  • there have been four in Sussex this year, the best year on record for them in the county.
  • they are, I believe only the 11-14th seen in Sussex. We get very few due to our south-easterly location
And, for the record, I predict a Wilson's Phalarope in sussex this year before the end of October!

1 comment:

  1. I've always thought that the most likely reason for post-breeding bird-song is that the offspring of these birds are still in the area and the adult males are defending their territories from these young upstarts.
    Another theory I have read somewhere is that singing resident birds in late autumn are often youngsters that are trying to establish their wintering territories.


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