Wednesday, 24 February 2010

A Very Early Migrant

According to my dad (Jon Curson), there have been no Chiffchaffs wintering in Seaford this year, as they, like other insect feeders, had to move to snow-free zones or starve. So did this bird somehow survive the snow, and slip under the radar when I am at school five days most weeks, was it an extremely early migrant or did it realise the snow had thawed and come back to its original winter territory? For me the jury's out, but please leave a comment if you have any ideas.


  1. Hi Liam

    I would say that this bird would have most likely wintered in the UK and has mirgrated within the UK to your area but I may be wrong but they are common to winter these days.


  2. thanks rob. I agree this is most likely to be the case. I would be very surprised if any chiffs managed to eke out a living around Seaford, so it must have come from somewhere, and considering it is still February this was probably from somewhere nearby. Only question I have in that case is exactly where it came from, as everywhere locally was hit by the freeze as well!

  3. Hi Liam , i agree with Rob that this bird most likely migrated within the UK , although it does make you wonder how it has survived the freeze ??by the way i really like your blog and have added you to my fav. blog list and will drop by from time to time :)


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